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Environmental Policy

Environmental Management Policy 

SMC Premier Group is committed to achieving the highest standards of environmental  performance, preventing pollution and minimising the impact of its operations. The  Company’s aim is that no lasting environmental damage occurs as a result of its activities  and policies are being implemented to ensure that all its operations meet or exceed the  requirements of legislation and applicable best practice. 

SMC Premier Group regards compliance with relevant environmental laws and the adoption  of responsible standards where no legislation exists, as an integral part of its business  strategy and is committed to considering the environmental impacts associated with its  products throughout their life cycle. 

SMC Premier Group has committed to monitor its environmental performance in line with  current legislation requirements. Environmental aspects are identified at each site and  corresponding objectives and targets set to reduce the significance of impacts in those  areas. These will be reviewed on at least an annual basis to ensure continual improvement. 

SMC Premier Group will continue to raise environment awareness within the Company  through the development and training of its employees and will communicate openly and  consult with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders on relevant environmental  matters. 

Alternative products are being sought on a continuous basis to replace products, which have  been identified as being harmful to the environment. The use of Bleach and Caustic Cleaning  Agents wherever possible will cease. Where this is not possible, their usage is to be reduced  

to a minimum. SMC Premier Group will encourage customers and suppliers in the use of  environmentally friendly products and sustainable recycled products and packaging. 

Environmental Statement – Chemicals & Materials 

Through our chemical and material supply chain we ensure the following criteria are  achieved and delivered: 

  • Chemicals are manufactured under the umbrella of ISO9001, ISO14001 and are IPPC  compliant. 
  • Environmentally superior ingredients are utilised throughout our chemical range to  ensure our ability to bulk purchase key ingredients. 
  • Waste packaging and chemicals are recycled on site where practical and other waste  is segregated and recycled through third party processes.
  • All chemicals meet the EU detergent regulations and abide by the recommendations  in the BACS/UKCPI guidance for responsible procurement of cleaning products. 
  • The manufacturing facility we utilise has a unique bioreactor pioneered in  conjunction with independent bio-technology companies and the DTI which allows  digestion of effluent into carbon dioxide and water. 90% biodegradable within 24  hours demonstrates the exceptional biodegradability of the chemicals we utilise. 
  • Within the chemical production facility water is used extensively. Efficient processes  are in place to minimise heat loss recirculation of hot and cold water is utilised so  none of the energy or the water is lost. Thermostat controlling electric roller doors,  recirculation of rising heat, low energy bulbs connected to light sensitive device  automatically switches off during bright daylight ensure that energy efficiency is  maximised. 

Our choice of chemicals for each location we clean are carefully selected in conjunction with  client health and safety personnel. This in tandem with our independent site visits will  provide a product range proposal for client approval. 

Eco-Label Criteria 

Life Cycle Step Criterion Expectations – Manufacturing (formulation) Safety of the product 

The product shall not contain ingredients (substance or preparation) classified with any of  the following risk phrases (according to Directive67/548/EEC and its amendments) or any  combination thereof: R31, R40, R45, R46, R49, R68, R50-53, R51-53, R59, R60, R61, R62, R63  and R64. 

  • No more than 10% (by weight) of VOCs with boiling point < 150°C. 
  • No dyes or colouring agents which are not permitted by Directives 76/768/EEC and  94/36/EEC or are classified with R50-53 or R51-53 risk phrases according to Directive  67/548/EEC and its amendments. 
  • The product shall not be classified with R42 and/or R43 risk phrases, according to  Directive 67/548/EEC, and shall not contain any substances or ingredient exceeding  0,1% by weight of the final product that is classified as R42 and/or R43 risk phases  (may cause sensitisation by inhalation and/or skin contact). 
  • Fragrances must have been produced or handled following the code of practice of  the International Fragrance Association. No perfumes containing nitro-musks or  polycyclic musks are allowed. 
  • Safety advice: 

– “Keep away from children” 

– “Do not mix different cleaners” 

– “Do not inhale the sprayed product” (for sprays).

Use Consumer information for environmental use 

The following texts, or equivalent texts, shall appear on the packaging: 

  • Dosage recommendations: 

– For all-purpose cleaners: exact dosage recommendation. 

– For concentrated cleaners for sanitary facilities: indication that only small  quantities of the product are needed. 

  • Information and labelling of ingredients according to EC Regulation N° 648/2004. 

Use & Performance and durability criteria 

The product shall be fit for use, meeting the needs of consumers. 

  • The cleaning ability must be equivalent to or better than that of a market-leading or  generic reference product, approved by a Competent Body, as well as better than  pure water. 
  • For all-purpose cleaners and cleaning products for kitchens, fat-removing effects  must be documented. 
  • For sanitary cleaning products and window cleaners, both calcium and fat-removing  effects must be documented. 
  • Training on detergents for professional uses, including step-by-step instructions for  proper dilution, use, disposal and the use of equipment, shall be offered for cleaning  staff. 

End of life Limitation of the use of substances harmful for the aquatic environment 

  • Critical Dilution Volume toxicity (CDVtox): All-purpose cleaners:  

– CDVtox < 20 000L/functional unit (f.u. = dose in g / L of water). 

  • Cleaners for sanitary facilities: CDVtox < 100 000L/100g of product. – Window cleaners: CDVtox < 5 000L/100g of product. 
  • Total content of elemental phosphorus (P) (considering all ingredients containing  phosphorus, e.g. phosphates and phosphonates): 

– All-purpose cleaners: P < 0.02g/functional unit. 

– Cleaners for sanitary facilities: P < 1.0g/100g of product. 

– Window cleaners: no phosphorus. 

  • Each surfactant shall be biodegradable under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. • No APEOs and derivatives, EDTA, NTA. 
  • No quaternary ammonium salts that are not readily biodegradable. • Some biocides to preserve the product are allowed, only in the appropriate dosage  and if not potentially bio-accumulative.

End of life Limitation of packaging waste 

  • Sprays containing propellants shall not be used. 
  • Plastics shall be marked according to Directive 94/62/EC. 
  • Primary packaging parts shall be easily separable into mono-material parts. • Recycled packaging labelled in conformity with ISO 14001. 
  • Our training capability ensures the correct usage of products where accurate dilution  for the job is vital for minimising wastage. Increasing the number of product doses  per unit of packaging and transport is a key component of improving our  sustainability. Products that clean efficiently first time eliminate the need for second  pass cleaning. This in tandem with our concentrated chemical technology offers class  leading performance at lower doses. 

Materials & Equipment 

Our consumables and equipment are selected from our supply partners based on quality,  sustainability, and ergonomic performance. Products are regularly reviewed to ensure that  new innovations and sustainability aspects are continually up to date. Some initiative areas  include sustainable forestry programmes with our supply partners which provides reduced  packaging for our supply of washroom consumables. Also, the introduction of the use of  microfibre cloths and flat mopping systems have improved performance and hygiene  standards in healthcare facilities. These have been some of the bespoke initiatives we  continue to develop in partnership with our clients and suppliers. 

Oliver Byrne  

Managing Director  

Reviewed: 6th July 2023